For those who aspire to write fiction, it’s a bit depressing to walk into a bookstore or library and see the hundreds of novels on display. Not to mention the thousands more that pop up on Amazon.
Imagine me, in my poor turn, trying to match the humor of Mark Twain or the beautiful, romantic prose of Gabriel García Márquez.
It’s audacious, to say the least!
And yet, I got up this morning, brewed my coffee and sat down at the keyboard to try. How blessed I am to work at the craft I love.
With that in mind, I want to thank everyone who’s read The Gravedigger’s Dream and The Third Promise, posted a review, or encouraged me to keep on writing.
I’m excited to report that I’ve got a new novel in the works that’s about ninety percent complete. The story takes place in Nicaragua, circa 1993, in the aftermath of the civil war that ousted dictator Anastasio Somoza. I love the characters that are coming forth, who continually surprise me, which means they are taking on a life of their own.
The working title – Where Angels Bathe – was conceived years ago when Betty and I chanced upon a place of magical beauty in the wilds of Brazil. Perhaps in some future blog I’ll tell you how to find it.
Meanwhile, you can watch the trailer here.
𝐀𝐅𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐆𝐇𝐓: God created the stars that we might look up, be wonder-filled and launch our thoughts into higher orbit. – 𝐷.𝐵.