September in Hurricane Alley

If you live along the East Coast or the Gulf of Mexico, September can make you a little crazy. Even now, there are two yellow 𝘟'𝘴 floating off the coast of Africa, creeping westward, insidiously making their plans. As you well know (you 𝘥𝘰 watch…

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Red, White & Blessed

Lord, I’m very grateful to be living in America. For the freedom to worship, to speak freely, to write what I please.      On this lovely Carolina morning, just outside my window, I delight in the colors!      By faith, I know that you have…

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How do Chickadees Tell Time?

They appear out of nowhere one morning, sensing that the season has come and the time is now. They inspect our little wooden birdhouse with the same careful attention that humans give to buying a new house. Is it sturdy? Is the roof sound? How’s…

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Beauty & the Beast

The fairy lilies are blooming in South Carolina. They do this on their own, with no humans tending, attending, or superintending.      Graceful and white they flower, out in the wild, wild woods. In different parts of the South this delicate beauty goes by other…

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