Love 101

Love has lots of different faces and wears a variety of costumes. (Watch the video here.) Sympathy, Empathy, A simple act of kindness. Generosity, Patience, An encouraging word in time. Wise counsel, Gentle correction, At the very least, respect. So many Americans are depressed and…

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The Cancel Culture

Welcome to the “cancel culture,” wherein thousands of people are “cancelling” their friends and relatives for the egregious sin of disagreeing with them. In some cases, it means a complete and utter end to relationship. Why would we do such a thing? The answer seems…

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Our Hallowed Opinions

Opinions, like Kleenex, should be held lightly and easily tossed. Otherwise, we tend to become proud and unteachable.      The greatest sadness in America is not the poor character of our politicians or their shameful, mud-slinging language, but the inability of ordinary folks to really…

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