Anyone Listening?

    I sometimes wonder if we’re losing our ability to listen, to really understand what our spouses, our kids, and our friends are trying to tell us. If that’s true, we’re missing some of the deepest feelings a human being can experience: sympathy, empathy and compassion.…

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Premeditated Kindness

So you come off the Interstate into that wounded part of town, and there he stands, with those woeful, pleading eyes. The cardboard sign says: “Homeless Vet. Out of Work ...”      It’s probably a scam, you think. Tonight he’ll laugh it up with his…

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What the Son Knows

Yesterday, early in the morning, I enjoyed one of the rarest things on earth: a moment of near-perfect peace.      The sun rose over the trees, lighted up the yard, and smiled into my cluttered little office.  I abandoned the keyboard, propped my feet up…

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