Open Heart Surgery

It takes real courage to examine your heart for prejudice and honestly report the findings. That’s because all of us, and I do mean 𝘢𝘭𝘭, make bad judgements based on scant or faulty information, extrapolating the characteristics of a single individual or a limited experience…

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Our Hallowed Opinions

Opinions, like Kleenex, should be held lightly and easily tossed. Otherwise, we tend to become proud and unteachable.      The greatest sadness in America is not the poor character of our politicians or their shameful, mud-slinging language, but the inability of ordinary folks to really…

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All in This Boat Together

Is it my imagination, or are people somehow friendlier these days?      Has this present darkness, which throws such a long and fearsome shadow, somehow worked to make us more compassionate toward one another?      Well, you be the judge.      I went into Lowe’s…

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Look for the Silver Lining

Bad as it is, I’m convinced the coronavirus can produce some good and lasting changes among us, if only we’re willing to learn.      On a recent trip to Wannamaker Park we saw lots of people out and about, picnicking, riding bikes and playing with…

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