I sometimes wonder if we’re losing our ability to listen, to really understand what our spouses, our kids, and our friends are trying to tell us. If that’s true, we’re missing some of the deepest feelings a human being can experience: sympathy, empathy and compassion.
In other words, we forfeit love.
On a lesser plane, we’re losing information, wisdom and insight.
Let’s be honest. Most of our conversations take place in a haze of inner and outer noise, in which our brain – that wild little monkey – is constantly distracted and busily multitasking. Even as my friend expresses some matter of grave concern, some sentiment of joy, some joke involving a kangaroo and a bartender, my brain is busily crafting its response or considering what’s next on my busy agenda. My eyes drift out the window or flit away to check my cell phone.
“But don’t mind that. I’m still listening …”
Well, not really.
I should probably ask forgiveness for this. For what could possibly be more important than the living, breathing, three-dimensional, sentient, God-given being who is sitting in front of me? Isn’t she worth my full attention?
I wonder, in these hysterical times, if it’s even possible to give someone our undivided attention. Maybe it requires more love and self-control than we generally have to spare.
So, dear friends, if my attention should wander the next time I see you, please tap me on the hand and say, “Hey Don, why not be here now?”