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An Ode to Walter Cronkite

For the next 86 days, between now and the election, I’m going to tune out the political jabber and incessant noise, to focus on a few important things where I can make a difference.

     As a long-time journalist, editor and writer, I can confirm something that you already know: the media is shot through with bias, hidden agendas and shoddy reporting. Regardless of whether your politics are left, right or center, you are being fed bucketfuls of horse pucky and glitter.

     I’m reminded of an old joke: “Network news is to truth as Chicken McNuggets are to chickens.”

     So why are we giving these people our time and attention? Why not focus on those things that are within our immediate orbit, where we can grasp the truth and have a positive impact? I’m talking here about our families, our churches, our work places and our communities.

     So here’s the pledge I’ve made: “I promise not to fritter away the next 86 days of my life listening to the media prattle and slobber, but will focus instead on a few worthy things where I can make a difference.”

Maybe you could too.

BONUS THOUGHT: “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi