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Where Go the Poor in the Midst of Pandemic?

Yesterday, as millions of Americans joined in the National Day of Prayer, I couldn’t help but think of our friends in Brazil, Uganda and other countries who are especially vulnerable to COVID-19.

     Our friends in the Amazon tell us that the virus has turned up in Lábrea, deep in the interior, where people are generally poor, live in crowded conditions, and don’t have proper medical care.

     Ask yourself this: How do you practice social distancing when you have eight or nine people living in a house the size of a garage?

     And this: How do you defend your family against the virus when there is no running water, no hand sanitizer, no masks, no test kits and no hospitals within a hundred kilometers?

     And lastly: How will you eat today if you’re not permitted to work and have no food?

     Please leave room in your prayers for those who are poor, hungry and crowded, without a doctor to call.

BONUS THOUGHT: God loves a cheerful giver.